Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lighting in Maya: Render Layers

Render Layers 101

When rendering in Maya, it is unwise to give up control of the image by rendering a single pass.
Using compositing software such as Nuke or Shake (may it rest in peace) it is possible to combine many layers that control specific aspects of the image (such as specular highlights or occlusion) whilst still retaining full control of the image.

1) Go to your Channel Box/Layer Editor.

2) Create a new empty Render Layer (whatever you do, don't use the ridiculous "smart select" Layer creator has SO many bugs that will mess up your day).

3) Double click on the name of the Layer to rename it.

4) Using your Outliner, select the objects you wish to have in this new Render Layer.

5) Right click on your Layer and Add Selected Objects.

Layer Protip: When working within a Render Layer that is not the Main Render Layer you must be very careful.  ANY changes you make will affect ALL layers.  In order to make changes that will only show up within your chosen layer (for example changing the color of a Spotlight or adjust a render setting), right click any attribute and select Create Layer Override.  The attribute title should now be orange and the change will only exist within the layer you are now working from.

Don't use the button with the plane, the yellow star, and the blue ball.
Seriously.  Use the button without the blue ball.

1 comment:

  1. This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. This is very nice one and gives indepth information. Thanks for this nice article.
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